Blink 182 - Neighbourhoods (Album)

Well fellow Bloggers, what can I say, one of my all time favourite bands has let me down and I am heartbroken!

I had Blinks new album on pre order the second I caught wind of it. It came and as excited as I was I must admit, I have only now found time to listen to it.

I put it on in my car travelling home tonight and all I can say is it was the worst part of my drive.

I love Blink I have been a devoted fan since I was 14 and I have every album they have ever made and I think I will stick to listening to them.

This album is so monotone and dull. I have to say when I first heard Heart's all gone I was excited, it is a cracking tune but when blended in with the rest of the album, it felt like I was listening to one seriously long, depressing song.

I was quite scared tonight on the M60. I genuinely started dropping to sleep a few times, considering how I feel it is safe to say this album was not the right match for this mood and Blink is always the right choice.

So Hearts all gone.. great song as long as it is listened to on shuffle. It is sad to say that my driving abilities and my attention span perked back up again when I put my Ipod on shuffle and Britney Spears came on.

I have no doubt that when I have listened to these songs moderately and definitely not together I shall be telling you how great and spine tingling one or two of them are, but until then I leave you readers, a disappointed soul.

Watch Hearts all Gone..