Can you feel my love?

Most of you will know the Adele version of 'Make you feel my love.'

Click here to hear the song

Taken from picsearch

It is one of my all time favourite songs. It seems to have become pretty popular lately thanks to X-factor and a contestant singing it for an audition.
If anyone follows X-factor you'll know Rebecca also did a version of it on saturday night.
Although she sung it beautifully you all know how it feels to see your favourite songs copied on X-factor.

Adele's version on her 2008 album '19' is a cover of Bob Dylan who originally wrote and produced it in 1997 for his album 'Time out of mind'.

On her home page( Click here for Adeles homepage )she says: "The whole reason I called my first album “19” was about cataloging what happened to me then and who I was then, like a photo album" This is the only song on her album which is a cover but she's says it's the one that best expresses her feelings at that time.

She sings the song with such passion and beauty it makes my skin crawl. She is a Beautiful woman with a Beautiful, Original voice and it almost seems like the song was meant for her.

How do you all feel about it?
Has anyone else's favourite songs been sung on X-factor? Don't be shy let me know.
Hope you enjoy the song.

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