Take me down to the paradise city

Todays Earworm is 'Guns 'N' Roses - Paradise City' easily one of my favourite Guns songs.

hear it here

 It is a brilliant song by the band and one which is so easy to sing along to. I love it and have spent many a drunken nights walking home with my housemate singing it.

It has also recently been re-used for the Anchor butter advert. I absolutely love this advert and again i'm always singing along. It is one of my favourite adverts to date (yes I like adverts).

The cows working in a factory is really funny and I love the idea. My favourite part is the cow putting money in a vending machine for a snack and having the choice of different chunks of grass. It has made me laugh my ass off time and time again.

I think it's great.

The Band have been together since 1985 and the name came from combining two band members names together, although the band member Tracii Guns left they still kept the name.

Axl Rose is the front man and also every one knows Slash. I didn't know Slash wasn't an original member although he did come along pretty early and fit right in. I would even say he completed the band.

Paradise city was on their debut album apppetite for destruction in 1987 and was released as a single in 1988.
Although the best it did was number 5 in US charts the album itself was and is still to this day the best selling debut album of all time, worldwide.

The song Paradise City came about while the group were travelling in the back of a van and Axl sang 'Take me down to the paradise city' and then Slash joined in by singing 'where the grass is green and the girls are pretty'.

They then sang the first line again and Slash tried 'where the girls are fat and they've got big titties.'
Although Slash thought that was the better version the rest of the band didn't agree and thats how we have those great lyrics today.

They have won Ten Awards and have been nominated for 21. They have been nominated for 3 Grammys but never won.

Although the Guns 'N' Roses are great I think they've lost their touch lately and their old stuff will always be their best.

1 comment:

Josh Stevens said...

The 'Yeo Valley' advert is better and the Slash version has some comical value. but yeah good shout, good song. x