I'm dreaming of a White Christmas is anyone else?

Despite having one of the worst days ever, no actually one of the worst weeks ever i've had the rather cheery christmas tune  'White Christmas' in my head and been singing along with my houses mates all morning.

It is safe to say I want to crawl into bed and sleep all day.          
The sooner the day ends the better. Its one of those days.
But... this song, and this particular video keeps putting a smile on my face. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddVZOK_9UUI

from flickr

I definately think i'm in the full swing of Christmas spirit, all thanks to all the christmas adverts popping up already http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRzTOjgXKzw.

Everyone has a christmas advert which they class as their favourite, the one that really makes them think ITS CHRISTMAS. Mine is the coca cola adverts every time. Whats everyone else's? Let me know.

White christmas was written in 1941 by Irving Berlin and performed for the first time By Bing Crosby in 1942. It is in my eyes and i'm sure in everyone else's eyes one of the best christmas songs ever made. It allegedly meant a lot soldiers and families in the Second World War.

1 comment:

Granty said...

I watched this film yesterday with my mum and dad, I'd never seen it before. I loved this song at the end where they're singing it in front of the big tree and falling snow :) it sums up Christmas perfectly.